D9400 Foundation Training
Training Dates for 2022-2023
(All Training starts at 9 am and takes 2 hours - including Q&A) 
13 August  Time: 2 hrs. (1hr 40 min presentation and 20 min questions)
- Foundation Overview  (compulsory - repeated 8 October)
- History – growth – integrity
- Projects and their scope – headings & synopsis – no detail
- Funding and Funds
- Giving and how to give
- Recognition
- Q&A
27 August  Time: 2 hrs. (1hr 45 min presentation and 15 min questions)
 - District Designated Funds (DDF)
 - Polio
 - Peace Scholarships
 - Global Scholarships
 - Disaster Response Grants
 - Grants of scale
 - Vocational Training Teams (VTT)
 - Q&A
10 September  Time: 2 hrs. (1hr 45 min presentation and 15 min questions)
 - Grant Seminar  (compulsory - repeated 22 October)
 - Global Grants
 - District Grants
 - Stewardship
 - Q&A
8 October  Time: 2 hrs. (1hr 40 min presentation and 20 min questions)
 - Foundation overview  (compulsory - repeat of 13 August)
22 October  Time: 2 hrs. (1hr 45 min presentation and 15 min questions)
 - Grant Seminar  (compulsory - repeat of 10 September)